

Titanium Triumph: Interlink’s Bahrain Venture

Interlink Metals & Chemicals, a Switzerland-based company, is set to build a titanium production plant in Bahrain by mid-2025. This plant aims to produce pure titanium and its alloys and will also feature a facility to recycle unusable scrap into ferro-titanium.

Proud of its history, Interlink Metals and Chemicals AG is preparing to celebrate 30 years of its success on the international arena.

On this occasion we have revamped our logo and website. We are preserving our best achievements during these years and are integrating the new ways of doing business and know-how.  The interaction of two circles in our new logo, like the Earth and the Moon, reflects our international application, long-terms relationship with our partners based on mutual respect and benefit, our perennial commitment to modernity and leadership qualities. We believe that the changes are in line with Interlink’s growth and adaptation throughout the years and will be a better representation of Interlink’s place in this ever growing globally implicated industry.  We know that times are tough, but we have confidence that Interlink will continue to satisfy the needs of all of our valued clients and continue to develop our beneficial relationship and we hope that we can continue to find new opportunities to collaborate together.

Adresses and other details


Rue du Temple 1
1700 Fribourg
Tel.: +41 26 321 56 66


Avry-Bourg 43
1754 Avry-sur-Matran